Parent and Child

Suffolk County Council need more Parent and Child Carers.

If you're a current Suffolk Foster Carer and could consider expanding your offering, then we'd love to hear from you.

In 2009, Sam and Matt, parents of five, decided to start their fostering journey as they wanted to provide a loving home for children in need. A friend introduced them to fostering and they began doing short break placements, but their path eventually led them to parent and child fostering.

Read more about their experiences here.

Find out about Parent and Child Care

Find about more about being a Parent and Child Foster Carer at our virtual fostering information sessions:

Wednesday 6th March at 7pm

Wednesday 3rd April at 7pm

Wednesday 1st May at 7pm

Email us at to let us know you're coming.

Without my time in their care, I wouldn't be the mother I am today. They truly gave me the tools to cope with life and motherhood.
Two women changing a baby's nappy